Grades 4-12
Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Empathy
Horseback riding is an exciting and fun-filled recreational activity. This unique program develops self-confidence, co-ordination, balance, strength and flexibility. The size of our herd allows us to provide the students with a horse best suited to their age and riding ability. Circle R will provide all students with a certified riding helmet that meets provincial safety standards. They may wear personal horseback riding helmets that meet these standards.
The students will receive a lesson covering horsemanship basics: horse control, proper western riding position and safety on the trail.
Led by qualified instructors, students will then experience a leisurely trail ride on a beautiful trail system that covers over 80 hectares. Hard-soled boots or shoes with a heel, and long pants are recommended attire.
It is recommended that the class be split into two groups in order to provide the best experience and to keep safety standards high.